Tactical Casualty Care (TCC) – POST / EMSA
California POST / EMSA / LEMSA approved 8 hour Classroom Course.
The Soteria Defense Tactical Casualty Care Course is a premier program that meets California Mandated AB1598 Active Shooter training for all Law Enforcement, Fire, and Emergency Medical Services personnel.
This course is fully accredited and meets statutory and regulatory compliance:
– California Assembly Bill 1598 Active Shooter Response / First Responder Required Training
– POST Tactical Emergency First Aid / Trauma Care #21772
– EMSA Tactical First Aid/Tactical Emergency – Medical Support (TEMS) First Responder Operational (FRO) level
– LEMSA approved (8 Medical Continuing Education Hours)
– Committee -Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (C-TECC) Compliant
*This course has been previously accepted for US Department of State required training for forward deployed personnel, and may meet US Military TCC Training requirements depending on your scope of care / course requirements. Contact us for more information.

The Soteria Defense Tactical Casualty Care / Tactical First Aid provides the techniques and training to render medical aid as quickly as possible to victims of violent injury. This course follows state and national guidelines for treating the leading causes of preventable death. “Tactical Casualty Care” was originally a Special Operations research effort, now used throughout the U.S. military and by most allied countries and has helped U.S. combat forces achieve the highest casualty survival rate in history. National and international examples of high-level violent incidents include but are not limited to the The Boston Bombing, Florida Night Club shooting, San Bernardino, Bataclan Theater, Mumbai, Kenya (mall and university) and more. These incidents have emphasized the need to enable first responders with enhanced first aid training. The National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE) has recognized the advancement of casualty treatment by the military with national implementation of simple methods of treatment and equipment readily available for law enforcement, EMS, security professionals and even “bystander first responders.” This course is a must have for anyone in the law enforcement, first responder and security related industries, and any person who wants or needs to enhance their medical skillset.
* This course provides a 2 year certification.
1 Day Format: 8 Hours Medical
Requirements / Prerequisites:
- Basic understanding of First Aid concepts
- CHECK THE COURSE LISTINGS for “Law Enforcement / First Responders Only” or “open enrollment” courses.
Learning Objectives:
- Safety and classroom safety
- Principles, history, development, and rationale
- Unified Response to a mass incident / active shooter
- Priorities of event response (win the fight, treat, evacuate, security, triage, transport)
- Identification and treatment of the leading causes of preventable death
- Active Shooter / Societal Violence briefing
- IFAK – Individual First Aid Kit, “must have items,” kit assessments,
- Introduction to Close Quarters Clearance / CQC
(“Close Quarters Battle” / CQB for military unit training) - Medical planning, scene size up, and triage
Equipment / What you need:
- Comfortable clothing / business casual or t-shirt
- Bring your own IFAK kit if you have one (for assessment only)
- Snacks / hydration (not provided)
- Notebook & pen
We highly recommend North American Rescue INTERMEDIATE BLEEDER CONTROL KIT, as a start point:
*Critical Compliance Metrics:
1. Nasopharyngeal Airway (NPA) is taught in this course and “Trained and Tested” per Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 22, § 100019. However, you must verify you are authorized by the Medical Director of the local EMS agency (LEMSA).
2. Needle Decompressions are NOT taught in this class as they are NOT authorized within this scope of care.
Do to the regulatory and statutory requirements, you are required to attend the entire class. If you must excuse yourself from class for phonecalls / etc. you may not be eligible to receive accreditation. If you do not pass you may retest at a future date. In either case, you are not eligible for any refunds.
*Understand that you are responsible to comport to your agency’s guidelines and you are solely responsible for your actions to qualify for “Good Samaritan” or other legal protections.